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  • Youth Employment

    What investments are required to engage conflict-vulnerable youth populations
    through workforce development linked to jobs?

  • Agriculture and Food Security

    Which interventions are required to build upon local conflict coping strategies
    to incentivize food security and promote resilience?

  • Natural Resource Management
    & the Environment

    How can natural resource management be used
    as a peace-building approach?

  • Strengthening Local Institutions

    How do legitimate local institutions redirect elite competition and
    promote cooperation dynamics in conflict-prone regions?

Researching Solutions for a More Peaceful World

Researching Solutions for a More Peaceful World

The Conflict and Development Program seeks to improve the effectiveness of development programs and policies for conflict-affected and fragile countries through multidisciplinary research and education. The Program uses science and technology to:

  • Reduce Armed Conflict
  • Sustain Families and Communities During Conflict
  • Assist States to Rapidly Recover From Conflict


The Program on Conflict and Development seeks to improve the effectiveness of development programs and policies for conflict-affected and fragile countries through multidisciplinary research and education.


ConDev’s research focuses largely on mitigating conflict related to four program areas, which were hand-picked based on their potential to combat key drivers of international conflict. Learn more about the research conducted by the ConDev team including publications, reports & seminars.

ConDev’s network of students and partners generates a variety of papers and presentations, while an elite team of researchers, through the Strategic Analytics Lab (SAL), focuses on tackling the more theoretical and data-intensive aspects of conflict research. SAL serves as the quantitative research arm of the program, conducting deep analyses of the development programs led by ConDev and its partners.


ConDev focuses on providing students with high-impact experiences to arm them with skills and experience they will need as future professionals in global conflict and development. Students are our greatest asset, and perhaps our greatest hope as we work to expand our network of scholars and alleviate conflict around the world. 

Some of the educational opportunities we offer for students include internships, Capstone courses, the Student Media Grants Program, innovation challenges, and opportunities to participate in some of our educational programs or to conduct research on educational topics. We also offer two academic courses:  "Economics of Foreign Intervention, Conflict and Development" and “Food Security, Climate and Conflict.”


Development programs help ConDev continue its mission to reduce armed conflict, sustain families and communities during conflict, and assist states to rapidly recover from conflict through the application of science and technology. 

Development programs have four cross-cutting themes that are central to its operations: Fill Knowledge Gaps, Integrate Gender and Vulnerable Populations, Leverage Information and Communications Technology (ICT), and Support Local-Led Solutions.

Serving the World

ConDev works in selected conflict-affected and fragile countries, working with partners to conduct research, education, and development programs aimed at eliminating violence and promoting peace, security, and sustainable development.

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