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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Check our list of Publications, Reports and Seminars we've provided for you, including peer reviewed monographs and booklets and white papers.

Publications, Reports and Seminars


ByakagabaP., TwesigyeB., and L. E. Ruyle. 2018. Dialectics of conservation, extractives, and Uganda’s “Land Rush”. In C. Sandbrook, C.J. Cavanagh and D.M. Tumusiime (Eds). Conservation and Development in Uganda, First Edition, Routledge, London, UK. Pp. 226-246.
Crudo Blackburn, C., L.E. Ruyle, Natsios, A., and Sherman, S. 2021. Denton Papers. Tracking the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Crudo Blackburn, C., Natsios, A., and L.E. Ruyle. August 2020. What happens when COVID-19 and influenza collide? Can hospitals handle the strain? The Conversation.

Crudo Blackburn, C., and L.E. Ruyle. May 2020. How leadership in various countries has affected COVID-19 response effectiveness. The Conversation.


Crudo Blackburn, C., Natsios, A., Parker, G., and L.E. Ruyle. February 2020. The silent threat of the coronavirus: America’s dependence on Chinese pharmaceuticals. The Conversation.

Price, E., King, J., & Whitney, K. (2017). "Agricultural Extension in Iraq, 2003-2012: Perspectives of US Partnerships during Conflict",  in Building Agricultural Extension Capacity in Post-Conflict Settings [edited by] Paul McNamara and Austen Moore. Center for Agriculture and Biosciences International (CABI). Oxfordshire, UK.

Ruyle, L.E. 2020. Africa. Introduction. South Central Review. Guest editor of special double issue.

Ruyle, L.E. 2020. “The Importance of Ecological Science and Conservation Programs to the One Health Approach” in Are We Prepared for the Next Pandemic: Gaps and Policy Solutions. Edited by C. Blackburn. Texas A&M Press.

Ruyle, L.E. 2017. The Impact of Conflict on Biodiversity in the Age of the Anthropocene. Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene1st Edition. Editor-in-Chiefs: D. DellaSala, M. Goldstein. eBook ISBN: 9780128135761. Book ISBN: 9780128096659.

Wolf, L. K. and L.E. Ruyle. 2021. “Zoonotic Spillover, COVID-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic” in COV-19 Lessons Learned. Edited by C. Blackburn. Texas A&M Press.


Kibriya, S., Tkach, B., Ahn, J.*, Valdez Gonzalez, N.*, Xu, Z.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2016). The effects of school-related gender-based violence on academic performance: Evidence from Botswana, Ghana, and South Africa. Publisher: USAID. 

Kibriya et al. The Effects of School Safety on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia. College Station, Texas: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 2018. Print. ISBN: 978-1-7324483-0-8 (paperback). 

Tkach, B. nd. (2016) Special Operations Contacting: 21st Century Approaches for Service and Technology Acquisition. Joint Special Operations University Press.  


Ahn, J.; Briers, G.; Baker, M.; Price, E.; Strong, R.; Piña, M.; Zickafoose, A.; Lu, P. (2022). Radio Communications on Family Planning: Case of West Africa. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 202219, 4577.

Baker, E., Ruyle, L.E., and G. Savio. 2017. Powering Development: Mini Hydroelectrification in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Conflict Trends2017/1.

Barlow, S., Chen, Z., Finnegan, G., Furaha, B., Pichanik, B., Stadler, C., Swensen, J., Ruyle, L.E., & Gawande, K. (2015). Prevalence of Child Malnutrition in North Kivu, DRC: Evidence from Bunyuka Parish. Development Journal of the South. 1(1): 24-42.  

Bessler, D. A., Kibriya, S., Chen, J.*, & Price, E. (2016). On Forecasting Conflict in the Sudan: 2009–2012. Journal of Forecasting, 35(2), 179-188. 

Bessler, D. A., Kibriya, S., Chen, J.*, & Price, E. (2018). The relationship between conflict events and commodity pricing in Sudan. Journal of Policy Modeling, 40(2018), 663-684 .

Boadu, F., E. Price, Y. Zhang, and M. Jiang. (2021). “Willingness of Street Hawkers in Ghana to Accept Compensation to Trade Street Hawking for Agriculture.” World Development. Submitted, Dec 2021.

Buchholtz, E., Spragg, S., Songhurst, A., Stronza, A., McCulloch, G., Fitzgerald, L.A. 2021. Anthropogenic impact on wildlife resource use: spatial and temporal shifts in elephants’ access to water. Journal of African Ecology.

Buchholtz, E. K., Fitzgerald, L., Songhurst, A. McCulloch, G.P. and A. Stronza 2020. Experts and elephants: Local ecological knowledge predicts landscape use for a species involved in human-wildlife conflict. Ecology and Society 25(4): 26

Buchholtz, E., Stronza, A., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., and Fitzgerald, L. 2020. Using landscape connectivity to predict human-wildlife conflict? Biological Conservation.

Crudo Blackburn, C., L.E. Ruyle, Natsios, A., and Sherman, S. 2021. Denton Papers. Tracking the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Davies, B.*, Boa, K., Aitkenhead-Peterson, J., Pitts, L., & Payne, W. (2014). Agro- ecosystem, Tillage, and Cropping Effects on Extractable Soil Nitrogen and Organic Carbon in Ghana. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 24(1), 203-207. 

Fatema, N, & Kibriya, S. (2022). Cropping Systems & Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Publication pending. 

Fatema, N, & Kibriya, S. (2017). Givers of great dinners know few enemies: The impact of household food security on micro-level communal conflict in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Conditional Acceptance in World Development 

Fuhrmann, M., & Tkach, B. (2015). Almost nuclear: introducing the nuclear latency dataset. Conflict Management and Peace Science, 32(4), 443-461. 

Gottlieb, J. (2017). Explaining Variation in Broker Strategies: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Senegal. Comparative Political Studies, 0010414017695336. 


Kibriya, S. and Jones, G. (2021). "The impact of a safe learning environment in schools on students’ learning outcomes: evidence from Tanzania" Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 15-28.

Kibriya, S., Price, E. C., King, J. N., & Partida, V. (2014). Conflict resistant agribusiness in Democratic Republic of the Congo, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review: Special Issue African Agribusiness on the Move, 17(B). 

Kibriya, Shahriar, Graham Savio, Edwin Price, & Joseph King. (2016). The Role of Conflict in Farmers’ Crop Choices in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19(3). Runner Up Best Article  

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z. P.*, & Zhang, Y*. (2017). The negative consequences of school bullying on academic performance and mitigation through female teacher participation: evidence from Ghana. Applied Economics, 49(25), 1-11.  

Koch, M., & Tkach, B. (2012). Deterring or Mobilizing? The Influence of Government Partisanship and Force on the Frequency, Lethality and Suicide Attacks of Terror Events. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 18(2). 

Li, Y, Palma, M. A., & Xu, Z. P.*. (2017). Impacts of playing after school on academic performance: a propensity score matching approach. Education Economics, 1-15.  

Matarrita-Cascante, D., Sene-Harper, S., and Ruyle, L.E. 2019. A Holistic Framework for Participatory Conservation Approaches", International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 26:6, 484-494, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1619105

McCallen, E.B., Gaines, K.F., Novak, J.M., Ruyle, L.E., Stephens, W., Bryan Jr., A.L., Blas, S.A., and T.L. Serfass. 2018. The Development and Use of a Spatially Explicit Model for River Otters to Evaluate Environmental Hazards on the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site. Environmental Modelling and Assessment. 190:374

Matsika, T.A., Adjetey, J.A., Obopile, M., Songhurst, A.C., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A. 2020. Alternative crops as a mitigation measure for elephant crop raiding in the eastern Okavango Panhandle Pachyderm 61:140-152.

Musumba M, Fatema N, Kibriya S. Prevention Is Better Than Cure: Machine Learning Approach to Conflict Prediction in Sub-Saharan AfricaSustainability. 2021; 13(13):7366.

Nguyen, E. and L.E. Ruyle. 2021. “Prison break: How applying the Prisoner’s Dilemma to COVID-19 mitigation may predict climate change response” in COV-19 Lessons Learned. Edited by C. Blackburn. Texas A&M Press.

Pozo, R., Coulson, T., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., & Songhurst, A. 2017. Chilli-briquettes modify the temporal behaviour of elephants, but not their numbers. Oryx, 1-9.

Pozo, R.A., Coulson, T., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Songhurst, A.C. 2017. Determining baselines for human-elephant conflict: A matter of time. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178840.

Price, E., Kibriya, S., & Yu, Z.*. (2013). The dilemma of biodiversity and specialization in agricultural development. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 5(5), 168-173. 

Redmore, L, Stronza, A., Songhurst, A., and McCulloch, G.P. 2020. Where elephants roam: Perceived risk, vulnerability, and adaptation in the Okavango Delta Ecology and Society 25(4) 27.

Redmore, L,  Stronza, A.,  Songhurst, A.,and McCulloch, G. 2018. Which Way Forward? Past and New Perspectives on Community-Based Conservation in the Anthropocene, Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene10.1016/B978-0-12-809665-9.09838-4(453-460).


Sagbo, N.S.M. and Kusunose, Y. (2021), "Does experience with agricultural loans improve farmers' well-being? Evidence from Benin", Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 81 No. 4, pp. 503-519.

Snyder, B.F. and L.E. Ruyle. 2020. A Just Compensation for Leaving it in the Ground: Climate Easements and Oil Development. Environmental Science and Policy. (doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.06.020)

Snyder, B.F and Ruyle, L.E. 2017. The Abolition of War as a Goal of Environmental Policy. Science of The Total EnvironmentVolumes 605–606, 15 December 2017, Pages 347–356. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.223

Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., and Stronza, A., 2015. Human-Elephant Conflict and Coexistence in Botswana. Applied Biodiversity Science: Perspectives Series 5:21-24.

Tkach, B., & Williams, A. (2017). "Mobile (in)Security? Exploring the Realities of Mobile Phone Use in Conflict Areas.Information, Communication & Society.

Twongyirwe, T., Fisher, E., Karungi, C., Ndugu, N (2022). Projected land use change in an oil-rich landscape in Uganda: A participatory modelling approach. The Extractive Industries and Society.

Vogel, S., Blumenthal, S., Boer, W., Masake, M., Newton, I., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Henley, M., Coulson, T. 2020. Timing of dietary switching by savannah elephants in relation to crop consumption. Biological Conservation 249: 108703.


Vogel, S., Lambert, B., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Stronza, A., Coulson, T. 2020. Exploring movement decisions: Can Bayesian movementstate models explain crop consumption behaviour in elephants (Loxodonta africana)? Journal of Animal Ecology 89(4):1055-1068.

Wang, M., Huang,  Y., Cheng, M., Sheng, B., & McCarl, B.  (2021). El Niño southern oscillation and decadal climate variability impacts on crop yields and adaptation valueCAB Review16(43), 1-13

Wolf, L. K. and L.E. Ruyle. 2021. “Zoonotic Spillover, COVID-19, and Preventing the Next Pandemic” in COV-19 Lessons Learned. Edited by C. Blackburn. Texas A&M Press.

Xu, Z. P.*, & Palma, M. A. (2016). Consequential egalitarianism vs. accountability principle: an experimental investigation. Applied Economics Letters, (23)8, 562-565. 

Zhang, Y.*, & Kibriya, S. The Impact of Slave Trade on Current Civil Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Under Review in Journal of Development Economics.  

Zhang, Y., Palma, M. A., & Xu, Z. P.* (2016). Unintended effects of the Alabama HB 56 immigration law on crime: A preliminary analysis. Economics Letters, 147, 68-71. 

Zarestky, J., Tomaszewski, L. and L.E. Ruyle. 2021. “’I Didn’t Make Much of a Difference, But There Was a Difference in Me’: A Qualitative Study of Students’ Participation in Efforts to Mitigate Human-Elephant Conflict in Botswana", Accepted by Environment, Development and Sustainability.


Kibriya, S., Zhang, Y.*, Bessler, D. & Price, E. (2016). How wealth of nations interact with aid and peace: A time and country variant analysis. No. 235859. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association  

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z. P.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2015) Economic shocks, governance and violence: A subnational level analysis of Africa. 2015 AAEA & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, July 26-28, San Francisco, California. No. 205321. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association & Western Agricultural Economics Association.  

Sen Gupta, R., Kibriya, S., & Price, E. (2011). Estimating Cost of Conflict and Increasing Food Security in Southern Sudan. Publication by the American Agricultural Economics Association.  

Zhang, Y.*, & Kibriya, S. The Impact of Slave Trade on Current Civil Conflict in Sub- Saharan Africa. (2016). 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts. No. 236202. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.


Aisabokhae, Ruth (2012). Essays on Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change and Ethanol Market Integration in the U.S.. . Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University.  College Station, Texas, USA.

Amponsah, Kwadwo (2017). Sustained No-Till Adoption in the Agro-Ecosystems of Ghana: A Framework For Financial and Risk Management Options. Master's thesis, Texas A & M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Brown, Taya Ruth (2019). A Multi-Site Case Study of Six Smallholder Coffee Farming Associations in Guatemala: Factors that Influence Intent to Adopt Newly Introduced Coffee Hybrids. Doctoral dissertationTexas A&M University. https : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /188991

Chatterjee, Aparupa (2014). Using Performance-Based Arts as a Delivery Strategy in International Agricultural Development. Doctoral dissertationTexas A&M University.

Chen, Junyi (2017). Three Essays on the Interrelationships of Climate, Conflict, and Economics. Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Davies, Benjamin (2014). The Effects of Tillage, Cropping and Fertilization on Extractable Soil Nutrients in Four Agro-Ecosystems in Ghana, West Africa. Master's thesis. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Dennis, Katherine Anne (2016). Pifá, Bananas, Oranges Are Our Forests: Agroforestry and Development among Smallholder Farmers in Panama. Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Dykstra, Alise (2015). Adoption of No-till Agriculture: The Role of Information, Technology Perception, and Farmer Characteristics in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Master's thesisTexas A & M University. . College Station, Texas, USA.

Faromiki, Olalekan Gbenga (2019). The Economic Implications of Processed Tomato Importation on Local Tomato Farmers Production in Nigeria. Master's thesis. Texas A&M University. Available electronically from

Fei, Chengcheng (2019). Three Essays on Food-Energy-Water Nexus Analysis and Afghanistan Food Security and Poverty. Doctoral dissertationTexas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Ghimire, Narishwar (2013). Evaluating Water Transfers in Irrigation Districts. Doctoral Dissertation, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Huang, Yu-Kai (2020). Essays on Resource and Environmental Economics: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Laboratory Experiment, and Scenario ForecastingDoctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Kibriya, S. (2011). “Aid and peace: A critique of foreign assistance, conflict and development.” Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.  

King, J. N. (2014). Alternative value capture systems for improved wheat variety intellectual property for increased access by Tanzanian smallholder emerging farmers: A case study. Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.  

Martinez-Palomares, Jorge (2019). The Impact of the Mexican Government's Budget for Crime and Prevention Programs on International Homicides. Masters Thesis. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Nata, Jifar T (2013). Household Segmentation in Food Insecurity and Soil Improving Practices in Ghana. Master's thesis, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Obineche, Chuks (2015). A Comparative Value at Risk Assessment of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange. [Unpublished Masters Professional Paper]. Texas A&M University.  College Station, Texas, USA.

Pancharatnam, Padmaja (2014). Three Essays on the Relationship between Economic Development and Environmental Quality. Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University.  College Station, Texas, USA.

Pitts, Lauren Kyla R. (2015). Strategic Soil Management for Rainfed Agriculture in West Africa. Master's thesis.Texas A & M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Rajsekhar, Deepthi (2014). Integrated Drought Modeling For Texas Under Climate Change Impact With Implications For Water Resources Planning. Doctoral dissertation, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Shaw, Caitlin Susanne (2014). Agricultural Technology Adoption in West Africa. Master's thesis. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Sohoulande Djebou, Dagbegnon Clement (2015). Seasonal Precipitation Variability and Its Impact on Vegetation Dynamics under Climate Change and Aridity Spectra of the Southwest United States Ecosystems. Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Song, Zhou (2018). Three Essays on Development Economics. Doctoral dissertation. Texas A & M University. College Station, Texas, USA.

Xu, Zhicheng (2016). Essays on Fairness Preferences: An Experimental Approach. Doctoral dissertation, Texas A & M University. College Station, Texas, USA

Zhang, Yu (2017). Three Essays on Civil Conflict. Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University, Texas, USA.

Zilverberg, Cody (2007). Agriculture, Technology, and Conflict. Master's thesis, Texas A&M University. College Station, Texas, USA.


Kibriya, Shahriar, Tkach Benjamin, Bessler, David, Findley, Mike, and Weaver, Catherine. Dynamics of Subnational Level Food Security and Violent Conflict: A Micro Level Geo-Coded Approach to Peace Building. May, 2014.

Kibriya, Shahriar, Tkach, Benjamin, Bessler, David, and Price, Edwin. Food Shocks, Social Responses, and Conflict: Causal Structures and Forecasts, November, 2015.

King, J. N. (2014). Tanzania wheat value chain and intellectual property: A case study concept. Report for the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization.

Price, Edwin, Kibriya, Shahriar and Bessler, David. “A Farewell to Arms: Measuring the cost to end conflict.” November, 2012.

Price, Edwin, Kibriya, Shahriar, and Bessler, David. “Causal Structures of Conflict, Poverty, Grievances and Socio-Political Stability.” November, 2012.

Stevens, R., Price, E., Bessler, D., & Prendergast, K. (2016). Analysis of Afghanistan’s strategic grain reserve proposal: prepared for Mike Martin, Director, Office of Agriculture.  


Boadu, F. (2014). “The community-driven land rights program.” Trimble Dimensions Conference. Presentation. Las Vegas, NV.

Bronsoler, V., Garcia-Ponce, O., Kibriya, S., Laterzo, I., Lavore, E. (2022).  Youth Crime in Urban Mexico - Blame Attribution and Violence Normalization. A presentation for the United States Agency for International Development Mexico Mission and Mexican Partners.   

Chatterjee, A., Kibriya. S., & Price, E. C. (2010). “Leadership in conflict zones.” Conference paper and Invited Workshop Session. National Collegiate Leadership Conference, University of Arizona. February 16, 2010. Tucson, AZ.

Davies, B., Boa, K., & Aitkenhead-Peterson, J. (2014). Agro-ecosystem, tillage, and cropping effects on extractable soil nitrogen and organic carbon in Ghana. Desert Technology International Conference. Journal of Arid Land Studies, 24(1), 203-207

Fatema, N., & Kibriya, S. (2015). “Explaining cropping choices under extreme uncertainty: Evidence from conflict prone North Kivu, DR Congo.” Poster. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and Western Agricultural Economics Association Joint Annual Meeting. July 26-28, 2015. San Francisco, CA.  

Gupta, R. S., Kibriya, S. R., & Price, E. C. (2011). “Estimating cost of conflict and increasing food security in southern Sudan.” In 2011 Annual Meeting, July 24- 26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (No. 104003). Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.

Kibriya, S., Chatterjee. A., & Price, E. C. (2010). “Civil military partnership in Iraq.” Conference paper and Invited Workshop Session. International Leadership Conference. May 17, 2010. Boston, MA.

Kibriya, S. & Price, E. C. (2011). Civil military partnerships in conflict zones. Presentation. AIARD Conference. Washington, DC.

Kibriya, S., & Price, E. C. (2010). “Status and prospects of the Green Revolution.” Presentation. International Agribusiness Management Association, Annual Meeting. June 21, 2010. Boston, MA.

Kibriya, S., Price, E. C., & Bessler, D. (2013). “Urban poverty, rural poverty, and income inequality: The case study of pre-reform India.” 2013 Mid-Continent Regional Science Association 44th Annual Conference, Runners Up in Best Paper Competition. Missouri, USA.

Kibriya, S., Tkach. B., Price, E., Bessler. D., Findley, M., & Weaver, C. (2014). Dynamics of subnational level food security and violent conflict: A micro level geo- coded approach to peace building. White Paper prepared for Minerva Research Initiative.

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2015). The impact of bullying on educational performance in Ghana: A Bias-reducing Matching Approach (No. 205409). Presentation. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.  

Kibriya, S., Yu, Z., & Zhicheng, P. (2015). “Economic shocks, governance and violence: A subnational level analysis of Africa." Presentation. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting.”

King, J. N. (2014). Improvement of the Rwanda pyrethrum value chain: Technology transfer and market-driven incentives for farmer cooperatives. Poster. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association. Cape Town, South Africa.

King, J. N. (2014). “Intellectual property and institutional innovation for agricultural development: Models for wheat value chain in Tanzania.” Abstr. Wageningen International Chain and Network Management Conference. Anacapri, Italy.

King, J. N. (2014). “Intellectual property and institutional innovation for value chains in Africa: Models for wheat in Tanzania.” Abstr. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association. Cape Town, South Africa.

King, J. N., Finnegan, G., Savio, G., & Price, E. C. (2013). “Conflict resistant crops: Identifying crops and cropping systems for targeted agricultural Development in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.” Abstr. 30th Association for International Agricultural Extension and Education Conference. Miami, Florida.

King, J. N., & Price, E. C. (2014). “Conflict resistant agribusiness in Democratic Republic of the Congo.” Panel. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association. Cape Town, South Africa.

King, J. N., Price, E. C., & Mulder, C. (2014). “Crossways Farm Village and rural economic integration strategies for South Africa.” Abstr. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association. Cape Town, South Africa.

Price, E. C. (2022). “The Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University." A presentation to Texas Youth Institute. March 11, 2022. College Station, TX. 

Price, E. C. , Fatema, N., & Rahmany, S. (2023). “Global Food Security is National Security: How Hunger and Malnutrition Abroad Make the U.S. Less Safe." Presentation to the U.S. House of Representatives. Washington, DC. Published by Farm Journal Foundation, March 2023.

Price, E. C. & Kibriya. S. (2010). “Global outreach of Texas A&M AgriLife: Agricultural development in conflict laden Asia.” Presentation and Conference Paper. International Agribusiness Management Association, Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

Price, E. C., Kibriya, S., & Bessler. D. (2012). "Causal structures of conflict, poverty, grievances and socio-political stability." White paper prepared for Minerva Research Initiative.

Price, E. C., Kibriya. S., & Bessler. D. (2012) “A farewell to arms: Measuring the cost to end conflict.” White paper prepared for Minerva Research Initiative.

Price, E. C., King, J. N., & Kibriya, S. (2014). “Building agriculture value chains in conflict prone environments: Iraq and Democratic Republic of Congo.” Abstr. Wageningen International Chain and Network Management Conference. Anacapri, Italy.

Ruyle, L. (2015). “Community Conservation in Ghana, West Africa.” Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. November 2015. College Station, TX.

Ruyle, L. (2015). “Conservation and Development in a Conflict Zone: Threats and Strategies in the Albertine Graben.” University of California, Los Angeles, The Center for Tropical Research, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. May 2015. Los Angeles, CA.

Ruyle, L. (2013). “Higher Education Solutions Network - An Innovating Partnership for International Development.” Panel Discussion. Association of Public and Land-grant Universities “Transforming Higher Education." November 2013. Washington, DC.

Stronza, A., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Radifalana, F., Yakenge, R., Radithladi, G., Brooks, C., Burger, K. Land Use Planning at the Community-Elephant Interface Pathways Africa, Pathways Africa Conference, Windhoek, Namibia, January 8-11, 2018.

Stronza, A., Redmore, L., Buchholtz, E., Songhurst, A., McCulloch, G., Fitzgerald, L. Patterns of human and elephant hardwood resource utilization Pathways Africa Conference, Windhoek, Namibia, January 8-11, 2018.

Stronza, A., Songhurst., A., McCulloch, G.  Building an Elephant Economy: Diversifying Tourism in Botswana. UNWTO Conference on Sustainable Tourism, December 7, 2017. Kasane, Botswana.

Stronza, A., Songhurst, A., and McCulloch, G. Pathways to Coexistence. Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Vancouver, BC, April 2016

Stronza, A. Panel Chair (with R. Witter) More-than-Human, Part I Interspecies Intersections: Reframing Conflict and Coexistence. Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) Vancouver, BC, April 2016

Stronza, A. People and Elephants in Botswana: Stories of Conflict and Coexistence. Langford Retirement Community, College Station, TX, October 8, 2021.

Stronza, A. with Barbara King and Lori Marino. Scholar Advocacy in Anthropology: Beyond the Human. The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy. (Public Webinar) May 5, 2021.

Stronza, A. Conflict and Coexistence: A Story of People and Elephants in the Okavango. Audubon Naturalists Society. (via Zoom) December 9, 2020.

Stronza, A. Conflict and Coexistence: A Story of People and Elephants in the Okavango. Colorado State University, Human Dimensions of Natural Resource, December 9, 2019.

Stronza, A.  Human-Elephant Conflict and Coexistence in Botswana. Geography and African Studies, Africa at Noon Seminar. University of Wisconsin-Madison. February 13, 2019.

Stronza, A. Human-Elephant Conflict and Coexistence in Botswana. University Program in Environmental Policy (UPEP), Sanford School of Public Policy and the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. March 29, 2019.

Tkach, B. (2014). “Almost nuclear: Introducing the nuclear latency dataset.” Presentation. Department of Energy MPACT Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.

Tkach, B. (2014). “Information as behavior check: Firm transparency and conflict outcomes.” Presentation. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.

Tkach, B. (2014). “Private security firms and the Iraq War.” Presentation. Strategy and Security Institute, College of Social Science and International Studies. University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

Tkach, B. (2013). “MBA’s go to War: Competition in the private security market and conflict outcomes.” Presentation. International Studies Association ISSS-ISAC Joint Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Zigashane, Eustache (2024). Could Resolving the FDLR Insurgency De-escalate the Deadliest Conflicts in Eastern DR Congo?” American Sociological Association Conference: Montreal, Canada.

Zigashane, Eustache (2023).
The Brain Drain Phenomenon and Remittances in Sub-Saharan Africa: Case Study of the ICGLR Member States.” Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, March 30, 2023. Fort Worth, TX.

Zigashane, Eustache (2022). Conflict Mapping in the Bas-Uele Province of the DR Congo: A Participatory Approach.Southwestern Social Science Association 2022 Centennial Annual Meeting: San Antonio, TX.


Baker, Emily & Savio, Graham (2016). Virunga Alliance Impact Evaluation: Lubero Territory Baseline Report. A report for the Howard G Buffet Foundation, Texas, USA.

Barlow, S., Chen, Z., Finnegan, G., Furaha, B. P., Pichanick, B., Stadler, C., Swensen, J., & Gawande, K. (2014). “Combatting child malnutrition: How effective are nutritional treatments in Eastern DRC?” ConDev Research Report.  

Barlow, S., Chen, Z., Finnegan, G., Furaha, B. P., Pichanick, B., Stadler, C., Swensen, J., & Gawande, K. (2014). “Child malnutrition in Bunyuka Parish, Democratic Republic of the Congo.” ConDev Research Report.  

Barrera, K., Fowler, N., Janes, C., Svojsik, S., & Gottlieb, J. (2015). “Information and Voter Evaluation of Legislators in a Clientelistic Democracy: A Field Experiment in Benin.” ConDev Research Report. Bush School Capstone.

Barrett, Z., Berrios, A., He, Y., Larsen, S., Novoa, M., Twumasi-Ankrah, K., Vega, C., & Mu, R. (2015). “Youth employment in Ghana: Conditions and determinants.” ConDev Research Report. Bush School Capstone. 

Bessler, D. A., Kibriya, S., Chen, J., & Price, E. C. (2014). “On forecasting conflict in the Sudan: 2009 – 2012.” ConDev Research Report.  

Bronsoler, V., Garcia-Ponce, O., Kibriya, S., Laterzo, I., Lavore, E. (2021) Performance Evaluation of USAID/Mexico Crime and Violence Prevention Activity. ConDev Phase II Research Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA.

Chen, J., Kibriya, S., Bessler, D., and Price, E. (2015). “A Causal Exploration of Conflict Events and Commodity Prices of Sudan”. United States Agency for International Development and Center on Conflict and Development.

Chen, Z., Finnegan, G., Hobson, D., Pinzon, D., & Vander Hey, G. (2014). “CEFADES: An impact evaluation of a vocational and rehabilitation program for at-risk  youth in Eastern DRC.” ConDev Research Report.  

Centroamerican University (2016). Youth Migration and Development Study, Phase I: Base-line Data Collection. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. La Libertad, El Salvador

Center on Conflict and Development. (2020). The Stabilization Lab. A Research and Education Initiative for American Engagement During Times of Conflict and Disaster. Texas, USA.

Center on Conflict and Development. (2013). HESN FY13 Annual Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2014). HESN FY14 Annual Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2015). HESN FY15 Annual Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2016). HESN FY16 Annual Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2017). HESN FY17 Midyear Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2017). HESN FY17 Annual Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2018). HESN FY18 Annual Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2020). HESN Final Report. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Center on Conflict and Development. (2016).  Iraqi Feedlot Production. Producing High-quality Meat in the Wake of ISIS. A report for the United States Agency for International Development. Texas, USA. 

Conflict and Development Foundation (2019). Farmers' Cropping Preferences: Past, Present and Future.  A report of the National Irrigation Cooperative for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA

Conflict and Development Foundation (2018). Farmers' Cropping Patterns.  A report of the National Irrigation Cooperative for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA

Conflict and Development Foundation (2016). Virunga Alliance Impact Evaluation Report 2016. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). Ecoexist Botswana 2014 Annual Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). South Kivu Coffee 2014 Interim Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). Virunga Coordinator 2014 Final Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). Center for No-Till Agriculture 2014 Interim Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). Center for No-Till Agriculture 2014 Annual Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). HESN Match 2014 Interim Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). HESN Match 2014 Annual Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). DRC Endowment 2014 Interim Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). DRC Endowment 2014 Annual Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). North Kivu Soils 2014 Interim Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). No-Till Farmer Survey of Ghana 2014 Annual Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Conflict and Development Foundation (2014). Soil Fertility of Ghana 2014 Final Report. A report for the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Texas, USA.

Fatema, N. & Kibriya, S. (2021). Cropping Systems & Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. ConDev Research Paper (publication pending)

Food for the Poor (2018). Youth Violence in El Salvador: Evaluating the Impact of an Agricultural and Nutritional Innovation in Reduction and Involvement in Gangs. Final Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. Florida, USA.

Food for the Poor (2017). Reduction of Violence and Gang Involvement in Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador through a Hydroponic Urban Gardening Project. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. San Salvador, El Salvador.

Gordon, G. (2015). “Payment and Predation: The Politics of Wages and Violence in the Congolese Army.” White Paper. 

Hale, A. (2011). “South Sudan Maize Production Cost and Agricultural Labor Analysis”. The Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, The Howard G. Buffet Foundation, World Food Program Purchase for Progress, and Center on Conflict and Development.

Hamie, S., Hall, A., Mu, R., & Natsios, A. (2017). "The Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon: A Pilot Study of Destination Choices." A report for the Center on Conflict and Development.

Helfrich, Alicia (2017). National Promotion of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) through SocialMarketing. Final Technical Report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. 

Kenney, J., Kenney, M., and Price, E. (2011). “Sierra Leone Rice Production Cost Analysis Purchase for Progress” The Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, The Howard G. Buffet Foundation, World Food Program Purchase for Progress, and Center on Conflict and Development.

Kibriya, S. (2011). “Aid and peace: A critique of foreign assistance, conflict and development.” Doctoral dissertation. Texas A&M University, Texas,  USA.  

Kibriya. S., & Price, E. C. (2013). “Food security and agricultural production of rural Ghana.” ConDev Research Report.

Kibriya. S., Price, E. C., & Ishdorj. A. (2013). “Food security and agricultural production of rural Senegal.” ConDev Research Report.

Kibriya. S., Price, E. C., & Boadu. F. (2013). “Food security, agricultural production and conflict of rural Liberia.” ConDev Research Report

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z., & Ghimire’, N. (2014). “The impact of conflict induced exile of entitlement of food: Evidence from rural Liberia.” ConDev Research Report.  

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z. P.*, & Zhang, Y.*. Limited Penetration of Governance and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Under review in World Development.  

Kibriya, S., Zhang, Y.*, & Price, E. Can World Peace be built on Empty Stomachs. Under Review in Development Policy Review.  

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z. P., & Ghimire, N. The impact of conflict induced exile on entitlement of food: Evidence from rural Liberia. Under Review in Journal of Refugee Studies.  

Kibriya, S., Xu, Z. P.*, & Zhang, Y.*. Which is the most relevant instrument? Comparing measures of rainfall shock. Under Review in Economic Bulletin

Kibriya, S., Zhang, Y.*, & Anton-Erxleben, K. Bullying as the main driver of low performance in schools: Evidence from Botswana, Ghana, and South Africa. Under review in Child Development. 

King, J. N. (2014). “Alternative value capture systems for improved wheat variety intellectual property for increased access by Tanzanian smallholder emerging farmers: A case study.” Dissertation. College Station, Texas.  

King, J. N. (2013). “Rwanda Pyrethrum value chain: A case.” Abstr. Conflict and Development.

King, J. N., Baker, T. J., & Baker, P. J. (2013). “Conflict dynamics framework for rural development: Food security, resource management, and biodiversity conservation in Angola’s Upper Okavango Basin.” Abstr. Conflict and Development.

King, J. N., & Shinn, G. C. (2013). “Trans-institutional innovation: Another (larger) perspective on institutional innovation theory.” Abstr. Conflict and Development.

Latin American School of Social Sciences (2014).  Innovative Institutional Approaches to Prevent Youth Violence in El Salvador. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. San Salvador, El Salvador.

Latin American School of Social Sciences (2014).  State of the Art Review of Research Programs & Studies Related to Conflict in Guatemala. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Latin American School of Social Sciences (2014).  The Inter-Relationships between Food Security, Migration and Conflict in GuatemalaResearch Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. San Salvador, El Salvador.

Laos, T. (2016). “Iraqi Feedlot Production: Producing High-Quality Meat in the Wake of ISIS.” ConDev Trip Report.  

Mathe, Lukanda (2018). “Perennial Crops Strategies that Aim to Reduce Small Landholder Encroachment on Protected Land and Land Conflict”. . Catholic University of Graben. (CDF, HGBF)

MacDonald, A.D., Jones, G. & Price, E.C. (2019). "USAID'S Leadership in the Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) Program 1967-1873." ConDev Research Report

McKnight, T., Hale, A., and Abeygunawardena, P. (2011). “Liberia Rice Production Cost Analysis”The Borlaug Institute for International Agriculture, The Howard G. Buffet Foundation, World Food Program Purchase for Progress, and Center on Conflict and Development.

Olympic Committee of El Salvador. (2016). Reducing Gang Involvement through the Olympic Values Sports Program (OVTSP). Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. San Salvador, El Salvador.

Prendergast, K. (2017). “To Feed an Army: Examining a Military Agricultural Initiative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” ConDev Research Report

Price, E. C., Kibriya, S., & Mohammed, M. (2012). “Agribusiness development in Kurdistan, Iraq: Factors in post conflict recovery.” ConDev Research Report.

Quiram, Barbara (2017). Texting Campaign for Adolescent Mothers in El Salvador. Final Technical Report for the Conflict and Development Foundation.

Roman, M. Johanna (2019). Learn,  Grow,  Eat & Go Program in Guatemala: Reducing Bullying by Promoting Teamwork and Inclusion through GardeningFinal Technical Brief for the Conflict and Development Foundation.

Ruyle, L. & Prendergast, K. (2016). “Human-Elephant Conflict Workshop in Botswana.” ConDev Field Report.  

Sagbo, N., Price, E. & Zigashane, E. (2020). “A Summary of Congo Peace Center Report: Mapping Conflicts in the Province of Bas-Uele in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” ConDev  Report Summary.

Semilla Nueva (2016). The Effectiveness of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) on Chronic Malnutrition in the Southern Coast of Guatemala. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Shelter the Homeless International (2014).  Case Study: SHIP’s Entrepreneurial Program for Women in Ciudad Delgado. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador.

Shelter the Homeless International (2014).  Case Study: SHIP’s Youth Development Program in Ciudad Delgado. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador.

Shelter the Homeless International (2014).  Drivers of Conflict in Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation. Ciudad Delgado, El Salvador.

Stevens, R., Price E., Bessler, D., Prendergast, K. (2016).  Analysis of Afghanistan’s Strategic Grain Reserve Proposal A report prepared for Mike Martin, Director, Office of Agriculture, USAID. 


Universidad San Carlos (2014).  Drivers of Conflict in Chimaltenango and El Quiche. Research Report. A report for the Conflict and Development Foundation Guatemala City, Guatemala.

Voth-Gaeddert, Lee (2017). The Stabilization of Marginalized Communities in Guatemala via Food and Nutrition Security on Child Linear Growth: Employing Systems Thinking Tools. Final Technical Report for the Conflict and Development Foundation


Buffett, Howard. W. and William B. Eimicke.  (2018). Social Value Investing:  A Management Framework for Effective Partnerships.  Colombia University Press, New York. 

Brinkley, Paul.  (2014). War Front to StoreFront:  American’s rebuilding Trust and Hope in Nations Under Fire.  Turner Publishing Company / Wiley General Trade, Nashville, Tennessee. 

Buffett, Howard G & Buffett, Howard W. (2013). 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World. Simon & Schuster. New York.  


Alsawfta, N., Andreasen, R., Cofield, T., Marais, T., Miller, C., Montaño, D., Wassenberg, K., Weirich, S., and Hamie, C. (2020). “Sharing Lessons from the Hajati Cash Transfer Program in Jordan”. Policy Brief. Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Project. Sponsored by: Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and United States Agency for International Development.

Barrera, K., Fowler, N., Janes, C., Svojsik, S., & Gottlieb, J. (2015). “Information and Voter Evaluation of Legislators in a Clientelistic Democracy: A Field Experiment in Benin.” Policy Brief. Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Project Capstone. Sponsored by: Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and United States Agency for International Development.

Brewer, L., Crowder, L., Lee, M., Mikayilov, E., Nepal, S., Perl, A., Hardin Tanguay, B., & Wendelbo, M. with Mu, R. and Ruyle, L. (2016). “The Impact of Conflict on Natural Disaster Resilience: Evidence from Nepal.” Policy Brief. Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Project. Sponsored by: Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and United States Agency for International Development.  

Brewer, L., Crowder, L., Lee, M., Mikayilov, E., Nepal, S., Perl, A., Hardin Tanguay, B., & Wendelbo, M. with Mu, R. and Ruyle, L. (2016). “The Impact of Natural Disasters on Child Education Outcomes: Evidence from Nepal”. Policy Brief. Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Project. Sponsored by: Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and United States Agency for International Development.  

Carlos F., Jaloway, K., Jones, A., Mason, M., Shtepani, C., Shuler, M., Spiva, R., Ward, J., with Drs. Silva Hamie and Leslie Ruyle. (2016). “NGOs in Jordan and the Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis.” Policy Brief. Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Project. Sponsored by: Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and United States Agency for International Development. 

Jones, G., Kibriya, S., and Price, E. (2019). Based upon the PhD dissertation of Yu Zhang, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, “The Long-Run Effects of Slave Trade on Civil Conflict in Sub Saharan Africa,” in “Three Essays on Civil Conflict”, 2017.  

Jones, G.,  Kibriya, S., and Price, E. (2019). Based upon the PhD dissertation of Yu Zhang, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, “Weather Shock, Slave Trade and Conflict: Evidence from Sub Saharan Africa,” in “Three Essays on Civil Conflict”, 2017. 

Jones, G., and Kibriya, S. (2018). "The Effects of School Safety on Academic Achievement". United States Agency for International Development and Center on Conflict and Development. 

Jones, G., and Payne, M. (2020). "Explaining Cropping Choices Under Extreme Uncertainty". United States Agency for International Development and Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University.  

Roman, J. (2017). "Reducing Violence and Gang Involvement through Hydroponic Gardening in El Salvador". Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University. 

Roman, J. (2017). "Learn, Grow, Eat, Go: Promoting Teamwork, Inclusion and Reducing Bullying Behaviors in Kids Through a Garden-Based Education Program in El Tejar, Guatemala". Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and Conflict and Development Foundation. 


ConDev Youtube Page:  

Afolabi, I. (2016). “Nigeria: Boko hazards.” Student Media Grant Slideshow. Presented in USA, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

AgriCorps (2015). “John Romo Sub-Chief Ceremony.” Video. Adarkwa, Ghana.  

Baker, E., Ruyle, L., & Savio, G. (2017). Powering Development: Mini- Hydroelectrification in North Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo. Conflict Trends, (1), forthcoming.  

Barlow, S., Chen, Z., Hobson, D., Pichanick, B., Pinzon, D., Stadler, C., Swensen, J., & Vander Hey, G. (2014). “Bush School Capstone: Impact of interventions on child malnutrition and youth unemployment on eastern Congo.” Bush School Capstone Presentation. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Brinkeley, P. (2014). “War front to store front.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Brown, T. (2017). “Coffee in Guatemala.” Texas Texas A&M University. College Station, TX. .  

Chaix, K. (2014). “Virunga Alliance and Virunga National Park.” Special Presentation during the Virunga Documentary Screening.

Chen, J. (2016). “Climate as a Cause of Conflict: An Econometric Analysis.” Presentation. AGEC 489/689: Food Security, Climate and Conflict. Texas A&M University. March 10, 2016. College Station, TX.

Chen, W. (2013). “Impacts of Environmental, Social and Economic Factors on Rural Household Income in Xiln Gol, Inner Mongolia” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Cranfield, M. (2013). “A One Health Approach to Gorilla Conservation.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. November 6, 2013. College Station, TX.  

Croft, G., & L’Archeveque, M. (2014). “USAID career panel.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Davies, K. (2014). “Purchase for Progress with Ken Davies.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Dehgan, A. (2013). “Next Generation National Security.” ConDev Lecture Series.  

Dièry, P. S. (2014). “Innovation in nutrition-led agriculture in Africa.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Dykstra, A. (2014). “Putao constellation: Community driven development.” TechCon Innovation Marketplace Presentation. San Francisco, CA.

Findley, M. (2013). “The Local Geography of Transnational Terrorist Attacks.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Fjeldsted, J. (2014). “Accounting for rebels.” TechCon Innovation Marketplace Presentation. San Francisco, CA.

Frazer, J. (2013). “A road map to sustainable peace in the DRC.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. June 17, 2013. College Station, TX.  

Frazer, J. (2014). “Discussions on African development and the Congo Peace Center.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Gawande, K. (2014). “Combatting child malnutrition: How effective are nutritional treatments in Eastern DRC.” Graduate Student Seminar Series. Vanderbilt University.

Ghoshal, A. (2016). “Bangladesh and India: Human-Wildlife Conflict in the Sundarbans.” Student Media Grant Slideshow. Presented in USA, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo.  

Gilbert, J. (2016). “Peru: Land use in protected areas.” Student Media Grant Slideshow. Presented in USA, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo.  

Gottlieb, J. (2013). “Why Women Participate Less in Civic Activity: Evidence from Mali.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Habiyaremye, C. (2016). “A Dream Shaped By Adversity: Rwandan Genocide  Survivor to PhD Student.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. March 24, 2016. College Station, TX. 

Hale, A. (2016). “Training FARDC soldiers to farm in Kisangani, DRC.” Presentation. AGEC 489/689: Food Security, Climate and Conflict. Texas A&M University. March 3, 2016. College Station, TX.

Hamie, S.,  Elizabeth Bodenman, E., Boraud, L., Feagley, J., Johnson, A., Mvou, N., Smith, C., Stackhouse. C. (2022). “Disaster Risk Reduction in El Salvador: An Evaluation ofNon-Governmental Organizations' Role and Impact Bush School of Government and Public Service. Capstone Presentation.

 College Station, TX.

Ishaq, M. (2016). “Polio Eradication and Security in Afghanistan.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar by Rotary’s National PolioPlus Chair for Afghanistan. Texas A&M University. January 25, 2016. College Station, TX.  

Juárez-Sánchez, D. (2016). “Haiti: Rural food security through a woman’s lens.” Student Media Grant Slideshow. Presented in USA, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo.  

Juncker, M. (2014). “Utilizing and strengthening the local community for optimal HIV/AIDS programming: Experiences from working in Asia and Africa.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Katju, D. J. (2016). “India: Ethnic Conflict and Forest Governance in Assam.” Student Media Grant Slideshow. Presented in USA, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo.  

Kibriya, S. (2014). “Agricultural economics and development.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

King, J. N. (2014). “Integrated Strategic Development Framework (ISDF) Youth Competition” with Chris Mulder Associations, Incorporated (CMAI) and Knysna Municipality Framework. Video. Knysna, South Africa.  

Krupar, A. (2016). “Kenya: Learning Empowerment as a Refugee.” Student Media Grant Slideshow. Presented in USA, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of the Congo.  

McVey, M. (2014). “Development in conflict zones.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Mendez-Jimenez, A. (2014). “Preserving forests and cultures in a globalized world.” TechCon Innovation Marketplace Presentation. San Francisco, CA.

Nwanze, K. (2015). "The Current and Future Challenges of Sustainable Food Security" Seminar by President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). George H.W. Bush Presidential Library, Texas A&M University. October 29, 2015. College Station, TX.  

Pearl, J. (2014). “The science of cause and effect.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Petriello, M. (2014). “Natural resource conflicts in Nicaraguan forests.” TechCon Innovation Marketplace Presentation. San Francisco, CA.

Phillips, J. (2014). “South Korea and development history.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Price, E. C. (2014). “Thoughts on development and advice for young professionals.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Price, E. C. (2014). “Experiences from the field.” AgriCorps Pre-Departure Training. Grand Saline, TX.

Price, E. C. (2014). “Implications of climate change and conflict for food security and nutrition.” TechCon panel. San Francisco, CA.

Price, E. C. (2014). “Making progress with international cooperation in agriculture.” Heart to Heart TV Interview. South Korea.

Price, E. C., & Kenney, J. (2013). “Leadership in conflict and development: Working with the U.S. Agency for International Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other complex environments.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Richie, M. & Frazer, J. (2014). “The Congo Peace Center Launch Seminar and the Training for Expert Facilitators in Community Dialogue.” Seminar.

Roman, J. (2022). “ConDev's Youth Gardening Programs.” College of Agriculture &Life Sciences 4-H Day. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Roman, J. (2014). “Conflict and Development Foundation in Latin America.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Ruyle, L. (2014). “Discussions with ConDev Interns.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Ruyle, L. (2014). “Engaging students in international development.” TechCon panel. San Francisco, CA.

Ruyle, L. (2014). “Novel course development.” TechCon panel. San Francisco, CA.

Sanjak, J. & Urban-Karr, J. (2014). “The Land Alliance: Technologies and institutions responding to land conflicts.” ConDev Lecture Series. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Tkach, B. (2014). “Political science and conflict and development.” ConDev Brown Bag Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Vroegindewey, R. (2014). “Innovative value chain models for African agriculture.” TechCon Innovation Marketplace Presentation. San Francisco, CA.  


Abebe, M. (2016). Protests in Ethiopia: “Why Are Ethiopians Protesting?” Student Media Grant.  

Alsawfta, N., Andreasen, R., Cofield, T., Marais, T., Miller, C., Montaño, D., Wassenberg, K., Weirich, S., and Hamie, C. (2020). “An Evaluation of the Hajati Cash Transfer Program”. Final Report. Bush School of Government and Public Service Capstone Project. Sponsored by: Center on Conflict and Development at Texas A&M University and United States Agency for International Development.

Brewer, L., Crowder, L., Lee, M., Mikayilov, E., Nepal, S., Perl, A., Hardin Tanguay, B., & Wendelbo, M. with Mu, R. and Ruyle, L. (2016). “Conflict, Earthquakes, and School Outcomes: Two Studies on Nepal.” Final Report. Bush School Capstone.  

Brown, T. (2016). “Evolutionary Strategies of Plants: C-3, C-4 and CAM.” AGEC 489/689: Food Security, Climate and Conflict. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

Carlos F., Jaloway, K., Jones, A., Mason, M., Shtepani, C., Shuler, M., Spiva, R., Ward, J., with Drs. Silva Hamie and Leslie Ruyle. (2016). “Do NGOs Deliver? The Role of NGOs in Responding to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan.” Final Report. Bush School Capstone.  

Dhoubhadel, S. “Food Wars in the Context of Maoist Insurgency” (2016). AGEC 489/689: Food Security, Climate and Conflict. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.

Gilbert, J. (2015). “Community Focused Integration and Protected Areas Management in the Huascarán Biosphere Reserve, Peru.” Applied Biodiversity Science (No. 5). Student Media Grant. focused-integration.  

Maripe, Ogaufi. (2016). “Humanitarian Intervention: Vocal Dissenters and Tacit Support.” AGEC 489/689: Food Security, Climate and Conflict. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX.  

* denotes contributions by students affiliated with ConDev

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